Mesfin industrial engineering PLC(MIE) intends to outsource construction of Finishing Work in Adigrat as per the attached bill of quantity and specification
  • ዝወፀሉ መዓልቲ: Tuesday 26th, December 2017 (ልዕሊ 6 ዓመታት)
  • ዝዕፀወሉ መዓልቲ: Friday 05th, January 2018 12:00 am (ሓሊፉ)
  • ናይ ጨረታ መድሓዚ ዋጋ:60000.00
  • ቦታ: Mekelle
  • ናይ ደኩመንት ዋጋ:100.00
  • ጨረታ ዝክፈተሉ መዓልቲን ሰዓትን: Friday 05th of January 2018 12:00 am
  • ገዛውቲን ሕንፃ ስራሕቲን/
  • ሕትመት
  • ፒዲኤፍ

1 MIE now invites registered contractors category GC- 6 or BC-6 and above in the following criteria

2 Renewed trade license for 2010 EC, VAT registration certificate and have Tax identification number, renewed contracting work permit license .

3 Tender document can be bought with un-returnable 100 birr form MIE supply Department at any working time from 25/12/2017 2:00 morning local time up to 5/01/2018 6:00 local time.

5 Bid security in the form of CPO Birr 60,000 (Sixty thousand Birr only) is required

6 Sub-contractor is Prohibited

7 Price shall include all cost relating to customs duties taxes, fees and levies payable by the bidder

8 The Bidder shall complete the pricing sheet attached in BOQ of the tender document

9 One original and two copy technical and financial document is required

10 Final data of submission of the financial and technical document is 5/1/2018 at 8:00 local time

11 Tender will be opened at MIE compound in 5/1/2018 on the same date at 8:30 local time

12 Delivery period for the project is 20(Twenty) calendar days including mobilization and mobilization after site hand overÂ

13 Bidder are strongly advised to visit the site

14 Every required Material , labour , Machine and tools requires for construction to be provided 15 The Bidder build a temporary Fence ,Store that can has a minimum of 400 qtl of cement and office for Supervisor

15 Only Cement and Reinforcement Bars are to be provided by MIE PLC.

16 Â No claim whatsoever entertained will be arising Tenderers failure to study the tender documents

17 Failure to comply with above submission procedure may invalidate the tender

18 MIE has the right to cancel the tender any timeÂ


ጨረታ መደብ