• ዝወፀሉ መዓልቲ: Saturday 14th, March 2015 (ልዕሊ 9 ዓመታት)
  • ዝዕፀወሉ መዓልቲ: Monday 23rd, March 2015 12:00 am (ሓሊፉ)
  • ናይ ጨረታ መድሓዚ ዋጋ:0.00
  • ቦታ: Mekelle
  • ናይ ደኩመንት ዋጋ:0.00
  • ጨረታ ዝክፈተሉ መዓልቲን ሰዓትን: Tuesday 10th of September 2013 12:00 am
  • ስራሕቲ ማይ/
  • ሕትመት
  • ፒዲኤፍ




1 NAME OF PRROJECT : Irrigation Project

2  Title of the service :  Feasibility Study  and Detail Design

Tigrai   Water  Works  Study , Design  and Supervision  Enterprise  delivers multidisciplinary engineering  consultancy service that range from conceptual and planning studies,  to detail engineering  design  , tender preparation , construction supervision and commissioning .

Presentation the enterprise has contracts for investigation, analysis, design and  supervision of over 15 water resource projects which comprised  large Irrigation  Schema ,Dams and large head-Works Schemes,  large urban water  supply  Schemes etc.

The enterprise possesses multidisciplinary professionals with  modest experience in water resource development project organized under a Study and Design Core process one of the 2 core process of the Enterprise . The study and Design Core process is comprised of specialized teams that have been established purely on the basis of disciplines , common background , education preparation and work experience.

Intent on competently delivering contracted project to an internationally acceptable standard and carrying a vision of becoming a reputed international consulting firm in the industry , the enterprise would like to invite freelance consultant to build the capacity of its modestly experienced and educated engineering and technical staff to a competency level that would comfortably put them on track to realize the Enterprise ‘s vision of becoming a well reputed International consulting firm in the water resource development and management sector.

Among other components of the study and Design , the enterprise would like to engage the services of highly competent freelancer consultants in the following area of specialization.

  • Structural Engineer

3 . Scope of the work

The  Service will be carried out in according with the generally accepted standards of professional practices, following recognized feasibility study and detail design procedure . The overall objectives  of the feasibility study and detail design aimed at carrying out the feasibility  study  and detail design  of different irrigation projects in different area of Tigrai , identifies possible irrigation system and forward  recommendation for the major finding of the study and prepare detail design . The scope of the service will cover all activates as necessary to accomplish the objectives , while adhering  to the best practice and methodologies of the profession , including but not limited to the  specific activities as cited in the TOR.

 TOR has been prepared for the service under the specialized fields listed above and interested applicants should take the TOR with a fee of 30 Birr from Finance , Procurements and property Administration  Service  Room  Number  9  during office hours from 8:00 to 12:00 am   &  2:00  to 11:00 Pm.

  1.  The enterprise will provided only:
  1.  Required  team of experts
  2. Vehicle and all its associated expense
  1. The freelancer should have his/her own  Laptop with necessary software ‘s and GPS.
  2. The freelancer should clearly  state in the technical proposal how to transfer the required skill and  Knowledge (on job training)
  3.  The Technical and Financial proposal shall be prepared in indelible ink and all pages shall be initialized by the person singing the proposal.
  4. The technical proposal shall be placed in an envelop clearly marked ‘’ Technical  Proposal ‘’ and financial proposal  shall be placed  in separate envelope clearly marked ‘’ Financial Proposal ‘’ These two envelope intern shall be sealed in an our envelope bearing the address.
  5. Proposal will be rejected if  ‘’ Technical offer and Financial offer ‘’ are merged in one proposal
  6. Modality of payments should be clearly stated in the financial proposal
  7. The freelancer  is responsible to incorporate comments given by the client after submission of  reports

The Tigrai Water , Study , Design and Supervision Enterprise  now invite highly competent freelancer  consultants (experts listed above) to indicate their interest in providing  in providing the services.

Interest freelancer  consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the service (relevant qualification, description of similar assignments , experience in similar tasks, availability of appropriate skill , etc)

A freelancer Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out here below:

I.Education background and special training to this task (10%)

II.Specific experience to the assignment (50%)

III.Adequacy of the proposed methodology  with bar chart activities and graphic of the critical path method or program evaluation review technique to execute the services (10 %)

IV.Adequacy of the proposed methodology for skill transfer (25 %)

V.Related experience of freelancer consultant in the specified area /Region (5%)

Interested freelancer   consultants may obtain further  information from study and design core process during office hours.

freelancer   consultant will deliver original  and Copy of their technical and financial proposals , essential and supportive documents to the address below at or before 23/03/2015.

Tigrai Water Works, Study , Design and Supervision Enterpris

Finance , Procurement and Property Administration Support Process

P.O. Box  957 Mekelle , Tigrai

At Tigrai  Disabled war Veterans  Association   Building , 4th  Floor , Room NO . 9

Note : The enterprise may have the responsibility to  partially or fully cancel the invitation due to any inconvenience .






ጨረታ መደብ