Ethiopian Roads Authority invites bidders to submit sealed bids for providing the necessary labor, material, and equipment for road construction works

1. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) has allocated budget towards the cost of the following Road Construction Projects and intends to apply part of this budget to payments under these projects.

Package XXIV (24)



Project Name

Estimated Length (Km)







Procurement Type


Construction Works of Cheriti-Goro Beska - Gordamole, Lot III: Kundi - Gordamole

Road Project (Re-Tender)



3.0 Years




Construction Works of Mile Junction - Biyogurgur (Dubti-Arrisa-Addigala - Biyokebob Design and Build Road Project Contract 1: Dubti Town-Km 72+000) (Re-Tender)



3.0 Years




Construction Works of Negele Borena - Dolo ado - Melkasuftu: Lot 1; Negele Borena

- km 64+500 Road Project (Re -Tender)



3.0 Years



Package XXV (25)



Project Name


Length (Km)

Pavement Type

Project Duration

Contract Delivery

Procurement Type


Construction Works of Durbete – Kunzila - Gelago - Metema, Lot 2: Fingit - Gelago Design and Build Road Project



3.5 Years




Construction Works of Durbete - Kunzila - Gelago - Metema,

Lot 3: Gelago - Gendewuha Design and Build Road Project



3.5 Years




Construction Works of Endesilase - Rama-Gerehusenay Road Project,

Lot 1: Rama-Gerehusenay



3.5 Years




Construction Works of Dessie Bypass Road Project



2 Years



Note: - DB = Design and Build; DBB=Design, Bid and Build ICB = International Competitive Bidding: NCB = National Competitive Bidding; DBST=Double Surface Treatment and AC = Asphalt Concrete

2. The Ethiopian Roads Authority now invites bidders to submit sealed bids for providing the necessary labor, material and equipment for construction works of the above road projects.

3. Interested bidders shall submit the following evidence:

a. In the case of Ethiopian bidders, Certificate of Registration from Ministry of Construction with the relevant Categories as specified in item 4 of tables below renewed for 2012 EFY and other appropriate documentary evidences demonstrating the bidder's compliance, which shall include:

i. Trading License renewed for 2012 EFY;

ii. Tax Clearance Certificate, which states that the bidder can participate in any public tender, valid at bid submission date;

ii. VAT Registration Certificate; and

iv. Registration as Supplier in the list of the mandated public body, i.e. public Procurement and Property Administration Agency (PPPAA).

b. In case of bidders other than Ethiopians;

i. Business organization registration certificate or Trade License issued by the country of establishment.

ii. Tax Clearance Certificate issued from the Tax Authority (Inland Revenue Authority) which allows the bidder to participate in public tenders at the date of the deadline for bid submission if the foreign bidder already has on-going or completed projects in the Country; Ethiopia.

4. Bidding will be conducted through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) and NCB (National Competitive Bidding) procedures as specified on the tables above and is open to all eligible bidders as specified and defined in the Bidding Documents. The minimum Annual Construction Turnover, Cash Flow, General and Specific Construction Experience for each of the project is as shown below:

4.1. Qualification and Evaluation Criteria of Package XXIV (24) Road Projects

4.1.1 Construction Works of Cheriti-Goro Beska - Gordamole, Lot III: Kundi -Gordamole Road Project (Re -Tender)

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Annual Construction

Turnover for the Last Five Years

ETB 566 Million (Peak)

ETB 1.416 Billion (Average)

The annual construction Turnover (ACT) requirement for a Joint Venture (JV) of Local and Foreign Firms is ETB 1.062 Billion (Average).


Liquid Asset/Cash Flow


ETB 177 Million

ETB 236 Million


General Construction


2 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor.

5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor.


Specific Construction project Experience

A Minimum of One (1) Gravel Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation

Project with a Value of ETB 1.487 Billion ; OR

A Minimum of Two (2) Gravel Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation

Projects Each with a Value of  ETB 743 Million; OR

A Minimum of Three (3) Gravel Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation

Projects Each with a Value of ETB 496 Million;

In all cases, the experiences shall be within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (70% Completed).

A Minimum of Two (2) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST/TST/AC) Road Construction or Upgrading or Rehabilitation at Projects Each with a Value of least ETB 2.124 Billion within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (80% Completed).



RC - 1 or GC-1

4.1.2. Construction Works of Mile Junction - Biyogurgur (Dubti-Arrisa-Addigala - Biyokebob Design and Build Road Project Contract 1: Dubti Town-km 72+000) (Re -Tender)

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Annual Construction

Turnover for the Last Five Years

ETB 317 Million (Peak)

ETB 793 Million (Average)

The annual construction Turnover (ACT) requirement for a Joint Venture (JV) of Local and Foreign Firms is ETB 594 Million (Average)


Liquid Asset/Cash Flow


ETB 99 Million

ETB 132 Million


General Construction


2 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor

5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contract Sub-Contractor


Specific Construction project Experience

A Minimum of One (1) Gravel Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation

Project with a Value of ETB 1.487 Billion ; OR

A Minimum of Two (2) Gravel Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation

Projects Each with a Value of  ETB 743 Million; OR

A Minimum of Three (3) Gravel Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation

Projects Each with a Value of ETB 496 Million;

In all cases, the experiences shall be within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (70% Completed).

A Minimum of Two (2) Asphalt Concrete (AC) Road Construction / Upgrading Rehabilitation

Projects Each with a Value of at least ETB 1.189 Billion within the last ten (10) years that has been

successfully and substantially completed (80% Completed)



RC-1 or GC-1

4.1.3 Construction Works of Negele Borens - Dolo ado - Melkasuftu : Lotl: Negele Borena km 64+500 Road Project (Re - Tender)

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Annual Construction

Turnover for the Last Five Years

ETB 334.0Million (Peak)

ETB 835.0 Million (Average)

The annual construction Turnover (ACT) requirement for a Joint Venture (JV) of Local and Foreign Firms is ETB 626.0 Million (Average)


Liquid Asset/Cash Flow


ETB 104.0 Million

ETB 139.0 Million


General Construction


2 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor

5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contract Sub-Contractor


Specific Construction project Experience

A Minimum of One (1) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Project with a Value of ETB 877.0 Million; OR

A Minimum of Two (2) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of ETB 438.0 Million; OR

A Minimum of Three (3) any type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of ETB 292.0 Million;

In all cases, the experiences shall be within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (70% Completed )

A Minimum of Two (2) Asphalt Concrete (AC) Road Construction or Upgrading or Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of at least ETB 1.253 Billion within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (80% Completed),



RC-1 or GC-1

4.2. Qualification and Evaluation Criteria of Package XXV (25 Road Projects

4.2.1 Construction Works of Durbete - Kunzila - Gelago - Metema, Lot 2: Fingit - Gelago Design and Build Road Project

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Annual Construction

Turnover for the Last Five Years

ETB 555 Million (Peak)

ETB 1.389 Billion (Average)

The annual construction Turnover (ACT) requirement for a Joint Venture (JV) of Local and Foreign Firms is ETB 1.042 Billion (Average)


Liquid Asset/Cash Flow


ETB 131 Million

ETB 231 Million


General Construction


2 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor.

5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor.

 4.1. Qualification and Evaluation Criteria of Package XXV (25) Road Projects

4.2.1 Construction Works of Durbete - Kunzila - Gelago - Metema. Lot 2: Fingit - Gelago Design and Build Road Project

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Specific Construction

Project Experience

A Minimum of One (1) Any Type of Asphalt DBST, IST or AC Road Construction Upgrading Rehabilitation Project with a value of ETB 1.702 Billion: OR

A Minimum of Two (2) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of ETB 851 Million; OR

A Minimum of Three (3) any type of Asphalt (DBST. TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of ETB 567 Million;

In all cases, the experiences shall be within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed. (70% Completed)

A Minimum of Two (2) Asphalt Concrete (AC) Road Construction or Upgrading or Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of at least ETB 2.431 Billion within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (80% Completed),



RC - 1 or GC-1

4.2.2 Construction Works of Durbete - Kunzila - Gelago - Metema, Lot 3: Gelago - Gendewuha Design and Build Road Project

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Annual Construction Turnover for the Last Five Years

ETB 522 Million (Peak)

ETB 1.305 Billion (Average)

The annual construction Turnover (ACT) requirement for a Joint Venture (IV) of Local and Foreign Firms is ETB 978 Million (Average).


Liquid Asset/Cash Flow Requirement

ETB 163 Million

ETB 217 Million


General Construction


2 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the 5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor

5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor.


Specific Construction

Project Experience

A Minimum of One (1) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Project with a Value of ETB 1.599 Billion; OR

A Minimum of Two (2) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of ETB 799 Million; OR

A Minimum of Three (3) any type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of ETB 533 Million;

In all cases, the experiences shall be within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (70% Completed )

A Minimum of Two (2) Asphalt Concrete (AC) Road Construction or Upgrading or Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of at least ETB 2.284 Billion within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (80% Completed),



RC - 1 or GC-1

4.2.3 Construction Works of Endesilase - Rama - Gerehusenay Road Project, Lot 1: Rama - Gerehusenay

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Annual Construction Turnover for the Last Five Years

ETB 553 Million (Peak)

ETB 1.383 Billion (Average)

The annual construction Turnover (ACT) requirement for a Joint Venture (JV) of Local and Foreign Firms is ETB 1.037 Million (Average)


Liquid Asset/Cash Flow Requirement

ETB 172 Million

ETB 230 Million


General Construction


2 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the

role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management  Contractor or Sub-Contractor

5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor


Specific Construction

Project Experience

A Minimum of One (1) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Project with a Value of ETB 1.694 Billion; OR

 A Minimum of Two (2)Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each  with a Value of ETB 847 Million; OR

A Minimum of Three (3) any type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each  with a Value of ETB 564 Million;

In all cases, the experiences shall be within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (70% Completed)

A Minimum of Two (2) Asphalt Concrete (AC) Road Construction or Upgrading or Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of at least ETB 2.420 Billion within the last ten (10) years that has been

successfully and substantially completed (80% Completed).



RC - 1 or GC-1

4.2.4 Construction Works of Dessie Bypass Road Project

Item/ No

Qualification Criteria

Minimum Requirement

Local Bidders

Foreign Bidders


Annual Construction Turnover for the Last Five Years

ETB 515 Million (Peak)

ETB 1.292 Billion(Average)

The annual construction Turnover (ACT) requirement for a Joint Venture (JV) of Local and Foreign Firms is ETB 969 Million (Average).


Liquid Asset/Cash Flow Requirement

ETB 161 Million

ETB 215 Million


General Construction


2 Years firm experience under construction contracts in the

role of prime Contractor, Joint Venture partner, Management Contractor or sub-contractor.

5 Years Firm Experience under Construction Contracts in the role of Prime Contractor, Joint Venture Partner, Management Contractor or Sub-Contractor


Specific Construction

Project Experience

A Minimum of One (1) Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Project with a Value of ETB 904 Million; OR

 A Minimum of Two (2)Any Type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each  with a Value of ETB 452 Million; OR

A Minimum of Three (3) any type of Asphalt (DBST, TST or AC) Road Construction / Upgrading / Rehabilitation Projects Each  with a Value of ETB 301 Million;

In all cases, the experiences shall be within the last ten (10) years that has been successfully and substantially completed (70% Completed)

A Minimum of Two (2) Asphalt Concrete (AC) Road Construction or Upgrading or Rehabilitation Projects Each with a Value of at least ETB 1.292 Billion within the last ten (10) years that has been

successfully and substantially completed (80% Completed).



RC - 1 or GC-1

5. If a bidder is awarded and /or recommended for award of any two works contracts by ERA six months prior to the bid submission date of the subject projects, the qualification criteria for the construction turnover will be the aggregate of the criteria of the subject projects; and that of the awarded contracts and/or those recommended to be awarded. A detailed qualification criteria is stated in the respective bidding documents.

6. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. local time from Monday to Thursday, and from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. local time on Friday. A complete set of bidding documents prepared in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and a nonrefundable fee of ETB 1,000 or USD 40 for each project, effective as of June 15, 2020. The method of payment shall be in cash or direct deposit to ERA's account in theCommercial Bank of Ethiopia - Sengatera Branch through Account No. 01715-33144600.

Address: Ethiopian Roads Authority, New Building Block A, Engineering Procurement Directorate, 1" Floor, Office No. 108, Tel: +251-11-833 29 81/ 515-30-15.

7. Bidders can apply for one or for all or for any number of projects from the above listed projects under the packages and shall submit their bid separately for each project they are interested to apply for. However, bidders may be awarded on the projects under a package subjected to fulfilling of the Qualification Criteria for individual and multiple projects specified in the respective bidding documents based on the Employer's best economical advantage.

8. Bidders shall submit their Bids in two envelopes, the first envelop labeled as "Qualification Information and Bid Security and the second envelope "Financial Bid", separate sealed and the two envelopes sealed in on another outer envelope

9. Evaluation is to be carried out in two stages, Qualification Information first and Financial Bids of qualified Bidders next.

10. Bids must be delivered to the address, time and date specified below. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid security of ETB 500,000.00 for each project in a format acceptable to the employer. Late bids will be rejected. One Original and five Copies of the bids have to be submitted. The Qualification information and Bid Security will be opened immediately after the submission deadline in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend, at the address below.

11. The value of total certified payments received in each year shall be adjusted for inflation of Bury value through multiplying by Cn/Co factor, where Cn is value of 1 US Dollar in Birr on the 28 day prior to bid submission date and Co is the value of I US Dollar in Birr computed using the selling exchange rate prevailing on the last date of the respective fiscal year.

12. For the Specific construction projects experience requirement, the Contract value of projects referenced by the bidder shall be adjusted to reflect the current purchasing power of Ethiopian Birr by multiplying with C/Co factor, where Co is the current selling exchange rate of I US Dollar to Ethiopian Birr which is taken at the 28" days prior to bid submission date and Co is the selling exchange rate of1 US Dollar to Ethiopian Birr at the date of signing the contract.

13. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before July 30, 2020 at 2:30 P.M.

Director General

2nd Floor, Conference Room

Ethiopian Roads Authority

Ras Abebe Aregay Street

P. O. Box 1770

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel. +251-11-551 71 70/79

Fax. +251-11-5514866

14. The Ethiopian Roads Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.


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