Adishehu Water Supply & Sanitation Project
  • የተለቀቀበት ቀን: Monday 23rd, November 2015 (ከ 8 ዓመታት)
  • መዝግያ ቀን: Tuesday 22nd, December 2015 12:00 am (ተዘጋ)
  • የጨረታ ማስከበርያ ዋጋ:150000.00
  • ቦታ: Mekelle
  • የጨረታ ደኩመንት ዋጋ:500.00
  • ጨረታ ሚከፈትበት ቀንና ሰዓት: Tuesday 22nd of December 2015 12:00 am
  • ስራሕቲ ማይ/ ማይ ኻዕቲን ኢንስታሌሽን/
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Adishehu Water Supply & Sanitation Project


The Government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received Grant from the UNICEF-WASH toward the cost of the water supply and sanitation project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract NCB/TWR/OWNP/UNCEF/WS/02/2015 for Drilling of Shallow Wells , supply and installation of Hand pumps , and Construction of Sanitation Facilities, for Adishihu as one package and one single contact

The Location and bid number of project is given in the table below:


Lot No

Name of project


Bid Security Amount in Birr



Drilling of Shallow Wells, supply and installation of Hand pumps , and Construction of Sanitation Facilities, for Adishihu






The Tigray Bureau of Water Resource now invites sealed bids from eligible (bidders) Having VAT Certificate , VAT declaration for the month of October, 2015 . TIN No , renewed business  license Valid for 2015 and Valid  renewed  appropriate water works license from Ministry of Water , Irrigation and Energy or Regional Water Resource Bureau

1  Qualification and Evaluation requirement  including: technical , financial,  personnel ,  equipment and legal requirement . Additional requirement may be provided in the bid document .

2 Bidding will be conducted through the National Completive Bidding (NCB) procedures as specified in the World Bank procurement Guideline ,and is open to all eligible bidders as mentioned above

3  Interested  Contractor has to provide information on available construction tools and machineries ; expertise in similar project available skilled man power and other relevant information as specified in the bidding document

4 Bid shall be valid for a period Sixty (60) days after bid opening and must be accompanied by bid security of birr 150,000.00 in the form of Bank Guarantee or CPO and they shall be deliver to the above office on or before bid closing date at/before 9:00 A.M December 22 2015.

5 Bid shall be opened at 9:00 A.M on December 22,2015 in the presence of the bidders or their representative who wish to attend . Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected

6 Interested bidders will be requested to offer one original and two copies of technical and financial proposals separately but sealed in one envelop a specified in the bidding documents to be provided

 7 A complete set of bidding documents in English could  be purchased directly from Tigray National Regional State Water Resource Bureau Archives section , Mekelle , upon payment of a non refundable fee birr 500.00 from November 23, 2015 up to December 22, 2015 at office hours  


8 The Bureau reserves the right to accept or reject all or parts  of the bid

9 The client’s address for any clarification , and /or communication is Tigray National Regional State Water Resource Bureau procurement section

Attn : Tigray Bureau of Water Resource 

P.O.BOX    520 , Tel : +251 0914000078   Fax :  +251344419637  ,


የጨረታ ምድብ