Kaza Capital Goods Finance Business Share Company would like to invite to qualified and duly registered audit firm for the audit of its financial operation .
  • የተለቀቀበት ቀን: Wednesday 12th, October 2016 (ከ 7 ዓመታት)
  • መዝግያ ቀን: Saturday 22nd, October 2016 12:00 am (ተዘጋ)
  • የጨረታ ማስከበርያ ዋጋ:5000.00
  • ቦታ: Mekelle
  • የጨረታ ደኩመንት ዋጋ:50.00
  • ጨረታ ሚከፈትበት ቀንና ሰዓት: Saturday 22nd of October 2016 12:00 am
  • ኣካውንቲን ተዛማድኡን/ ኦዲት ተዛማድኡን/
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1 The purpose of the external audit is to conduct the financial auditing of the organization from the beginning of its operation day May 1, 2014 GC up to the end of fiscal year June 30, 2016 GC. Therefore interested competent bidders are required to submit the following document with financial audit proposal and bid price.

2 Complete company profile.

3 Certificate of professional competence as well as valid registration number including level (grade) awarded from the office of Auditor General.

4 Renewed license from the office of the Auditor General as per the legal requirement

5 present renewed trade license , certificate of TIN, VAT registration certificate

6 Intersted audit firms can purchase a complete set of bidding document from KAZA Capital Goods Finance Share Company Mekelle city Dedebit micro finance Bld . 3rd floor room No 13 up on payment of non –refundable fee of Birr 50 birr for 15 days consequently starting from the date of publication of this notice of Addis Zemen gazeta

7 The Bid shall be valid for 60 days

8 Bidders are required to submit bid security of birr 5000 in the form of Bank Guarantee or CPO checked by bank

9 Bid are to be delivered sealed envelop to KAZA Capital Goods Finance share Company Mekelle city Dedebit micro finance build 3rd floor room No 13 must be submitted technical and financial proposal bid document separately one original and one copy

10 Bids shall be closed on October 22, 2016 on 9:00 A.M and opened on the same date at 9:00 A.M in front of bidders or their representative

11 The company has the right to reject or accept all or partly of the bid if it necessary

12 The weight of the financial proposal shall be 20% and technical proposal shall be 80%

13 The bidder that getting less than 70 % in the evaluation of Technical proposal shall be rejected

Tel 0342400081 Â Â Â Â Â

የጨረታ ምድብ