Sur Construction Plc Invites all Interested Eligible Bidders for Post-tension Slab Design, Supply, Installation, and Supervision works of 2B+G+5 Mall Building, Mekelle.
  • የተለቀቀበት ቀን: Thursday 22nd, February 2024 (ከ 1 ዓመት)
  • መዝግያ ቀን: Tuesday 12th, March 2024 9:00 am (ተዘጋ)
  • የጨረታ ማስከበርያ ዋጋ:100000.00
  • ቦታ: Mekelle
  • የጨረታ ደኩመንት ዋጋ:500.00
  • ጨረታ ሚከፈትበት ቀንና ሰዓት: Tuesday 12th of March 2024 9:30 am
  • ኢንጅነሪንግ ዝዛመድ ኮንሳልታንሲይ/
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SUR CONSTRUCTION PLC invites all interested eligible bidders for post-tension slab design, supply, installation, and supervision works of 2B+G+5 Mall Building, Mekelle.

1. We hereby invite eligible bidders who fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Appropriate trade licenses renewed for the current year
  2. VAT registration certificate & Tax Identification Number (TIN No.)
  3. Tax Clearance Certificate
  4. Experience in at least two similar works in the last five years

2. Interested bidders can obtain the bid document during working hours against payment of non-refundable BIRR 500 from the address below:

SUR Construction PLC

Lachi Office, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia Design, Contract, and Planning Office

3. All bids must be sealed and accompanied by a bid security of ETB 100,000.00 (ETB One Hundred Thousand) in the form of a CPO in favor of SUR Construction PLC and shall be delivered at the above-noted address of SUR Construction office, Mekelle on/ or before 9:00 AM on March 12, 2024.

4. Bidders are instructed to submit signed and sealed technical and financial proposals in separate envelopes.

5. Technical bids will be opened on March 12, 2024, at 9:30 AM whereas financial bids will be opened for those bidders who in pass technical evaluation on March 14, 2024, at 9:30 AM.

6. We will not be responsible for any costs/expenses incurred by the bidders in connection with site visits, preparation, and delivery of bids

7. We reserve the right to reject any or all parts of the bid without assigning any reason/s.

For further information Tel: +215-91 111 0416


የጨረታ ምድብ