1 now invites potential suppliers to submit their technical and financial proposal offers Original & Copy in sealed separate envelop for the supply at the supply transportation to Ezana mining development Plc , Head office Mekelle
2 The winner bidder will be selected after technical and financial evaluation is conducted. To quality for award of contract, Bidder must fulfill the following qualification criteria:
• Renewed trading license , Tin Number and registration certificate for 2013 E.C for supplying such equipment and spare parts and
• Tax clearance certification and VAT registration for 2013 E.C
3 Bidders shall furnish a bid security which is 2% of their offered price and the bid security must be valid a minimum of sixty days from the date of bid opining
4 A technical specification document in English may be collected by interested bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee of birr 100 to Ezana Mining Development PLC Account with Wegagan bank Account NO 0401130710101effective as of 31/010/2020 from address below
5 Ezana Mining Development PLC – New head office selem Building 1St flour Room no 6 near The road Elala to Adiha Mekelle , Tigray , Ethiopia 0344408780
6 Bids must be deliverd to Mekelle office on or before 19/11/2020 at 12:00Am( Before noon)
7 Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or bidder’s representative who choose to attend in person on 19/11/2020 at 3:00 PM( After noon) the road Elala to Adiha , selam building 2nd floor Room 11
8 Ezana Mining Development PLC reserves the right to reject all or part of this bid