1 Our company Ezana Mining Development PLC, Meli Gold mine has allocated budget towards the cost of supply of supply of the powder milk by the procurement Referance Number MGP 058/2020
  • የተለቀቀበት ቀን: ቀዳም ሓምለ 18, 2012 (ከ 4 ዓመታት)
  • መዝግያ ቀን: ሶኒ ሓምለ 27, 2012 04:00 ጥዋት (ተዘጋ)
  • የጨረታ ማስከበርያ ዋጋ:2%
  • ቦታ: መቐለ
  • የጨረታ ደኩመንት ዋጋ:100.00
  • ጨረታ ሚከፈትበት ቀንና ሰዓት: ሶኒ ሓምለ 27, 2012 04:02 ጥዋት
  • ኣቅርቦት ምግቢ /
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2 Ezana mining Development PLC now invites eligible bidders to submit technical specification and there financial in a separate sealed envelope for the above listed item and bidders shall include the delivery time of the items with their proposal ( shorter delivery time preferred):

3 the winner bidder will be the bidder with least price and complies with the specification to qualify for award of contract , bidder must fulfill the ff qualification criteria

For 2012 E.C or 2019 GC renewed certificate of registration for supplying the above listed items

For 2012 E.C /2019/20 G.C renewed trading license

Vat tax registration and clearance and Vat Clearance certificate

Bidders shall furnish a bid security which is 2% From the total offered price with sealed envelope separately and the bid security must be valid a minimum of sixty (60) days from the date of bid opening

4 A complete set bidding document in English may be collected by interested bidders up on payment a non refundable fee of birr 100 effective as of 15/07/2020 from address below

9 bids documents will be opened in the presence of bidders or their legal representatives  who chose to attend in person at 4:00 pM on 03/08/2020GC at  Ezana mining Development at mekelle elala temben abiyadi road selam bulding 3rd flour tel no 0930681854/0914746424

For father information contact by tel no 09 30 68 18 54

የጨረታ ምድብ