Messebo Cement Faclory
P.0. Box 916
Telephone 0342410085/0344405806
Fax: 251-344 408036/410863
Messsebo site
Mekelle, Ethiopia
4. Bidders must submit their technical and financial offers in two copies separately by coming in person to Messebo Cement Factory head office, Mekelle.
5. Bids will be opened on March 25/03/2020 G.C. 2:15PM (European time) in the presence of interested bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at Messebo Cernent factory Plc. Head office.
6. Bids must be accompanied by bid guarantee of 2% of the total price in the form of C.P.O. or bank guaranty
7. All bids that come after closing date of the tender will be rejected.
8. Messebo Cement Factory Plc reserves the right to reject the bid fully or partially of the bid.
Messebo Cement Factory plc