ቢሮ ሐለዋ ጥዕና ክልል ትግራይ

ምልኸታ ፕሮፎርማ/

ናይ ወርሒ ሰነ 2016 ዓ/ም/

ቢሮ ሓለዋ ጥዕና ክልል ትግራይ ናይ ህንፃ መሳርሒ ብፕሮፎርማ ኣወዳድሩ ክዕድግ ይድሊ፤

1. ናይ 2016 ዓ/ም ንግዲ ፍቓድ ዘሓደስኩም፤

2. ዝተሓደሰ መቕረባይነት ከቕርብ ዝክእል፣

3. ናይ ግብሪ ከፈልቲ መለለይ ቑፅሪ ቲን-ቁፅሪ ምምዝጋቡ መረዳእታ ከቕርብ ዝኽእል ይዕድም፤

ተ.ዝርዝር ዓይነት ንብረት/ግልጋሎት/ዝርዝር መግለፂመለክዒበዝሒናይ ሓደ ዋጋ ብር
The materials listed here below are for the maintenance of toilet inorder to mainteain prooerly with the Best Quality finshing materials.there for allmaterials must be ORGNAL &First class/material quality approved by the /the
1Supply ceramic urinal NCE or Equivalent having sensor complete
with all accessories of size (56cm*44cm)asper the sampler (material quality approved by the facilities owners engineer)
2Supply synthetic emulsion +49/paint to internal wall (4lt size) kadisco or equivalent No.01NO56
3Supply plastic paint to internal plastered wall surface (4lt size) kadisco or equivalent No.01No56
4Supply ጆሶkg200

እንክተሎም መምርሒ:-

4. እቲ ፕሮፎርማ ጨረታ ካብ ዝተለጠፈሉ ዕለት 21/10/ 2016 ዓ/ም - ዕለት 25/10/2016 ዓ/ም ተዓፅዩ ብተመሳሳሊ ሰዓት ዕለት 26/10/2016 ሰዓት 3፡00 ይኽፈት::

5. ዶክሜንት ብፖስታ ብምዕሻግ ኣብ ቢሮ ቁፅሪ 42 ዕደጋ እንዳመፃኩም ምሃብ ትኽእሉ::

6. ዘሸነፈ ተወዳዳራይ ንኽቅርብ ኦርደር ካብ ዝተወሃበሉ ዕለት ኣብ ዉሽጢ 5 ማዓልቲ ከቅርብ ዝክእል::

7. ኣብ ላዕሊ ዝተጠቐሰ መረዳእታ ተታሓሒዙ ክቕርቡ ኣለዎ::

8. እዚ ናይ ፕሮፎርማ ጨረታ ምልኸታ ከም ዉዕሊ የገልግል::

ንተወሳኺ ሓበሬታ ብስልኪ ቑፅሪ 0344-40-47-15 ምሕታት