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Milkta Tender Alert Service

What is the Tender Alert Service?

An email service that provides details of new or revised tenders that matches your products and services. Start receiving tenders today

Your Benefits

Never miss a published Tender
Receive relevant tenders for your products and services
Saves you time and money, searching
Respond to tenders from the Email/SMS/Telegram
Follow procurement trends in related products and services

Pricing Plans

Get started with us - it's perfect for individuals and teams. Choose a subscription plan that meets your needs.

Save up to 10%
Milkta Basic Log

Annual Plan

best for everyone to start with



  • Email alerts on the fly
    Top of search results related to your business
  • you will have a user-name and password that enable to access
  • only relative tenders will be announced for you and your company
  • up-to 3 different categories allowed to be selected for your organizations
  • Personal assistance and follow up
 Milkta Basic Log

SMS Alert

Solution for organizations



  • You can get live updates throught SMS messages if you Happy with such services
  • Email alerts on the fly
    Top of search results related to your business
  • you will have a user-name and password that enable to access
  • only relative tenders will be announced for you and your company
  • up-to 3 different categories allowed to be selected for your organizations
  • Personal assistance and follow up
Standard Image

6 months Plan

For small to medium businesses



  • Email alerts on the fly
    Top of search results related to your business
  • you will have a user-name and password that enable to access
  • only relative tenders will be announced for you and your company
  • up-to 3 different categories allowed to be selected for your organizations
  • Personal assistance and follow up

Still not convinced? Read our FAQ!

You will get full answers for your most Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page. If you're ready to get a full access please click on the link below.

Start Today
Api Key Image