Lot-17: Wireless Infrastructure
2. Eligible Suppliers/Agents could obtain tender documents by presenting a copy of their renewed licenses, VAT Registration Certificate, Registration Certificate issued from Ministry of Finance & Economic Development against payment ofa non-refundable fee for each Lot Birr 200.00 from Aksum University Main Campus Block 53 Room 002 during working days from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
3. Bids should be accompanied by a bid security of 400,000.00 in the form of certified check, CPO or Bank Guarantee which will be payable on first demand by Aksum University,
4. Wax-sealed Bids shall be delivered to Aksum University Procurement and Property Administration Director office.
5. A complete set of bidding documents can be purchased from the Aksum University Procurement and Property Administration Director Office at the address given below during working hours upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Birr 200.00 or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency. Interested bidders can purchase additional sets or may obtain further relevant information at the same address.
* Bidders should provide one Original and Two Copy of “Technical” and “Financial” | documents separately.
6. Aksum University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bidding process.
7 The Bid (Technical offer) will be opened after the bid published Date on Ethiopian press Agency after 21 days. The bid will be opened in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives based on the mentioned day and time in the bid document
Aksum University Procurement and Property Administration Director Tel. +251 09 14 18 91 15/09 14 19 18 46