Interested bidders
1 shall present copy of renewed trade license for the year 2011 EC taxpayer certificate and VAT registration certificate.
2 all bidders must be accompanied by bid bound security birr 10,000.00 ( Ten Thousand) only.
3 Bidders can purchase the bid document paying Non-refundable birr 100.00 ( One hundred) from our head office Mekelle Ayder( Hamiday) industrial zone around REST Garage.
4 The bid shall be summated in two separate envelops: 1. Technical envelope and 2. Financial envelope marked with “technical Proposal” and /or “Financial proposal” in original and copy document. it shall also mark as “ Original” or “copy” on each envelopes.
5 Shall give their full address i.e telephone (fixed and mobile) , fax, postal address, website address ( if any), E-mail address and name of responsible contact person during registration.
6 All bids must be accompanied in the tender box prepared for this purpose before the bid closing 17/12/2018 G.C 3:00PM (after noon).
7 Bid opening shall be held in the presence of bidders and or their representatives who wish to attend in the head office Mekelle Ayder (Hamiday) industrial zone around Rest Garage on 17/12/2018 G.C 3:30PM ( after noon)
8 Interested eligible bidders may obtained for their information from the company by telephone number:
Office : 0348-409267/0344-408544
Mobile: 0914-726460/0914-729076 mekelle head office
Our company reserves the right to accept or reject the bid fully or partially