1 Transform Primary Health care Project: Tigray Regional office now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders photo copy, laminating, B using form ( 8-32) and print A3 and Print entering into contract basis.
2 Interested Eligible bidders can obtain further information from Transform Primary Heath care Tigray Regional Program office. Thus document will be inspected at the office of transform Primary health care project Tigray regions program office, P.O Box wereda adi haki kebele 11 tel 40-16-81, 40-16-83 city Mekelle , Tigray , Ethiopia
3 A bidding document may be obtained by interested bidders submission of their requests starting from November 26,2018 up to December 05,2018.
4 wax bid document shall be delivered to office Transform Primary Heath Care Project Tigray Region Program Office, Mekelle , Adi Hak kebelle 11 , on the first floor the newly opened bank of Abyssinia ( Adi Haki Branch) on before 04:00 pm December 05,2018.
5 bidds will be opened in the practice of those bidders or their representatives those attend on the same date at 04:30 the office of transform primary health care project. Tigray region program office wereda , adi haki kebele 11 city Mekelle , Tigray, Ethiopia .
6 Winners should deliver photo copy , laminitaing banding rom (8-32) and Print A3 and Print document one copy each at the Program office immediately after they finish their works.
7 Transform Primary Health Care Project : Tigray Regional Program office Reserves the right to accept reject any or all bids