1 Renewed Trade license
2 TIN Certificate
3 VAT Register Certificate OR T.O.T Conformation
4 Bidders submit bid security invites for CPO or Unconditional bank guarantee 10,000 ETB
5 Interested bidders may purchase a complete set of bidding document beginning from the date of announcement of the bid upon payment of non-refundable birr 100 to CBE Mekelle Branch Finance Section Ground floor.
6 Bid shall be submitted in to the tender box prepared for this purpose on or before April 19,2018 at 10:05 A.M in the presence of bidders and /or their authorized representative
7 Interested bidders may obtain further information from DBE Mekelle District Adminstration 1st floor , office No Tel 251 344410233 Fax 251 344418252
8 Bidders should present their Financial and Technical document separately in sealed envelop
9 The language of Tender should be in English
10 DBE reserves the right to accept or reject of all bids