Mesfin Industrial Engineering PLC intends to outsource pre engineering (PEB) building works in Meklle Tigray Water works enterprise compound as per the attached bill of Quantity and specification
  • Posted Date: Monday 11th, December 2017 (over 6 years ago)
  • Closing Date: Tuesday 19th, December 2017 12:00 am (closed)
  • Bid Bond:15000.00
  • location: Mekelle
  • Bid Document Price:50.00
  • Bid Opening Date: Tuesday 19th of December 2017 12:00 am
  • Electro-Mechanical Products and Services/
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1 MIE now invites registered contractors of Grade -5 and above license in Electro mechanical with the following criteria

2 A contractors with of license in Electro mechanical Grade -5 and above

3 Renewed trade license for the year 2009 EC and have Tax identification Number

4 VAT registration certificate and latest VAT declaration

3 Biders can be purchase bid document with un-returnable 50 birr form MIE Supply Department of BU at any working time from 09/12/2017Â to 19/12/2017 8:00 local time.

5 Sub-contractor is Prohibited

6 Bid security in the form of CPO Birr 15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Birr only) in the form of CPO by sealed envelop separately Â

7 Price shall include all cost relating to customs duties taxes, fees and less payable by the bidder

8 the tenderer shall complete the pricing sheet attached in BOQ of the tender document

8 One copy and one original document is required in the pricing sheet attached in BOQ for Financial proposal  Â

9 Tender will remain valid for 10 days

10 Bid will be closed on 19/12 /2017 at 8:00 O’clock local time.

11 Bid will be opened at MIE compound in 19/12/2017 at 8:30 local time

12 Delivery period for the project is 21 days

13 Every required Equipment (Machine), Labor and Tools for construction of the project is to be supplied by the sub contractor

14 If a bidder has a project with MIE, the minimum physical accomplishment shall be 70 %

15 Failure to comply with above submission procedure may invalidate the tender

16 MIE has the right to cancel the tender any time Â

Tender Category