Imagine 1 Day international (imagine 1day is non-religious non-profit making foreign charity  founded in Canada Vancouver in 2007. Fulfilling  all the requirements  it has been operating in Ethiopia since  November 2007 currently imagine 1 day is implementing  education project  in Tigray as  Oromia regions by focusing its effort on dressing the four pillar of education Access , Quality. Efficiency and Equality
As per the project agreement made with Tigrai Education Bureau and Bureau of plan and Finance , imagine 1 day is seeking to procure 8,000 supplementary reading corner books to distribute for 120 reading corner from 30 primary school targeted the communication primary education for all project , imagine 1 day invites supplier and valid license  for the year 2008 to supply the supplementary reading corner books
1 Interested Bidders should have Tax clearance letter  for the year 2008 E.C
2 Biding procurements will be purchased at the office of imagine 1 day , Mekelle, Kebele 14, Near Asteyohannnes Hotel phone : 034 4 403715 / 034 4 404933 up to submitting of  written application and a non-refundable fee of Birr 200(Two hundred Birr) from May 16, 2014 up to May 20, 2016
3 Bidder  has to be registered to collect VAT and copy of VAT certificate and renewed trade license must be submitted  attached with the application
4 Bidders must obtain further information , inspect and acquire the biding documents, from the above mentioned office
5 All bid must be complained by a  bid security of 5% in an acceptable form of bank guarantee or CPO valid for 30 days after the date of bid opening must be addressed to Imagine 1 day International organization
6 The Bid security shall be sealed in a separate envelop Marked “ Bid Security” & shall put in the qualification document
7 The deadline of the bid submission shall be on before 2:00 pm of May20, Â 2016 Â bid will be opened on May 20, 20016 at 2:30 pm in the presence of bidders or their legal representative at imagine 1 day regional office mentioned above
8 The original and copy of Financial document shall placed in sealed envelop and both envelops shall be placed in a large outer envelope and wax sealed
9 Â Â Imagine 1 day reserves the right partially or entirely reject or cancel the Bid.Â