Date 01/02/2017
Public Tender Announcement
The Ethiopian Red Cross Society. Tigray Regional Branch, North Western Zonal Branch office is looking to purchase Medical equipment through tenders according to the specifications provided. We want to buy through open bidding system. Therefore, the bidders who want to participate in the open method should fulfill the following requirements. These are:
1. Those who have an up-to-date renewed business license
2. Those who can provide proof of taxpayer identification number
3. Those who are VAT /TOT/registered
4. Those who are Registered as a supplier
5. By paying non-refundable 100.00 birr (one hundred birr), you can pick up the tender document from office number 10 during working hours from 11/10/2024 to 25/10/2024.
6. Bidders can fill and seal the bid document properly and submit it in a dedicated bid box until 25/10/2024 at 3:00 PM Afternoon. In addition, the validity period of the price you submitted for the competition should be mentioned.
7. Bidders must submit necessary documents by sealed envelope.
8. Bidders are required to deposit a bid security deposit of 2% of the total bid price in CPO Birr certified by a bank. Cash payment is not allowed.
9. The date of opening of tender documents is 25/10/2024 at 4:00 P.M Aftemoon. It is preferred that bidders or their legal representatives be present on the date and time of opening of the tender. However, their absence will not affect the auction.
10. The winning bidder is obliged to sign the contract within 3 days from the date of the announcement of the bid.
11. The office reserves the right to cancel the tender in whole or in part if it finds a better alternative.
For further explanation, you can call on the phone number: 0344-408864.