Bid No:015
Date: 26/8/2024
Save the Children International (SCI) is the world's leading independent organization for children. To achieve its objective, Save the Children Tigray area. Office, Mekelle (TAO) invites all eligible suppliers to bid for the supply of School and Health center Furniture.
Tenders duly filled must be accompanied by:
• Renewed business license for the year 2016 E
• VAT registration certificate
• Bid Security in the name of Save the children international for 2% of bid amount in the form of CPO or Bank Guarantee valid at least for three months from the date of bid opening. (Cash and insurance are not accepted)
• Bid offer should be including all Tender documents and marked clearly, bidder's name, address and legal stamp of the supplier and submit in a sealed envelope to save the children Tigray Area Office Mekelle from 26/8/2024 to 9/9/2024, 3:00 AM
• Documents which show the list of the materials can be obtained from save the children Tigray Area office supply chain department Mekelle from 26/8/2024 to 9/9/2024 against payment of a non efundable Birr 100.
• Bids will be opened on 9/9/2024; 3:30 A.M in the presence of bidders' or their representatives who choose to attend at SCI-TAO/ Tigray Area office/ Mekelle.
• SCI-TAO /Tigray Area Office reserve the right to accept or reject the whole or part of any or all bids.
For Additional Information
Save the Children Tigray Area office Supply chain Department near to Edaga Adihawsi Mekelle.
Tel no.: 0344-41 04 43 /40 28 03