HELVETAS in collaboration with the Swiss Solidarity and the Regional Government of Tigray, Agricultural office is implementing a project entitled" Samre and Seharti Recovery Project (SSRP)" in Samre and Seharti woredas of south east zone of Tigray National Regional State. This bid is floated to invite all interested and eligible bidders for the supply of Motorbike to be used in the implementation of the project referred hereunder.
  • Posted Date: Friday 12th, April 2024 (12 months ago)
  • Closing Date: Thursday 18th, April 2024 11:00 am (closed)
  • Bid Bond:
  • location: Mekelle
  • Bid Document Price:200.00
  • Bid Opening Date: Friday 19th of April 2024 11:00 am
  • Motorcycle Spare Part/
  • Print
  • Pdf

Tender Ref. No:- HEL/BD/006/24

Date: 12/04/2024


For the supply of Motorbike

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation is a registered Foreign Charity in Ethiopia (Reg. Certificate No. 0040), operating thematically in Rural Infrastructure, Natural Resource Management, Support to CSO and Local Governments, Skill Development & Education, and Emergency Response, and working geographically in Tigray, Amhara, SNNP and Oromia regions.

HELVETAS in collaboration with the Swiss Solidarity and the Regional Government of Tigray, Agricultural office is implementing a project entitled" Samre and Seharti Recovery Project (SSRP)" in Samre and Seharti woredas of south east zone of Tigray National Regional State. This bid is floated to invite all interested and eligible bidders for the supply of Motorbike to be used in the implementation of the project referred hereunder.

Lot No.Description of goodsSpecificationUnitQty.
1MotorbikeRTR 200CCKg2

HELVETAS invites interested and qualified ppliers to submit their bids as follows:

1. Bid document entitled "Bid Document for the Supply and Delivery of Vegtable Seed" can be obtained from HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation office by paying non-refundable Birr 200 (two hudnred).

2. The bid stay for seven conscutive days. (April 12 to 18 2024)

3. All offers must be submitted on or before 18th April 2024 05:00 AM in a wax-sealed envelope and addressed to:

For the Purchaser: HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Ethiopia

Phone 0938431572/+251921032185

Adhaki Sub city, CONCERN World Wide Mekelle Office, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia 

Email address: Takele.mekonnen@helvetas.org

4. Bids will be opened on 19th April 2024 11:00AM in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives.

5. HELVETAS reserves the right to reject all or part of this bid without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Tender Category