Daughters of Charity (Doc) desire to purchase Famix and be not that only factories are eligible to compute in bid

Our selection criteria is the lowest price without compromise quality of the materials, however due diligence is also going to be conducted after the opening of the bid

1 Bid document can be taken by eligible bidders upon nonpayment from Daughters of Charity (Doc) office , 1st floor , sub city of Adihaki behind Adihaki eye clinic

2 Bidders must obtain renewed valid trading license for specifie items 

3 Bidders must have TIN number፣ VAT certificate and other relevant document such as certification of the product

4 The bidders cannot alter, amend or withdraw offers after tender is opened

5 Bidders should submit offers price as per the attached request for quotation

6 Bidders should aware that before conducting an agreement due diligence is going to be conducted on the overall capacity of a supplier

7 The supplier should deliver the material within three  days after notification of award and signing of agreement with contract security of 10% from the total price he/she wined

8 The material shouldhave at least 6 month Expiry date assurance

9 Bids must be delivered their bid documents to the address Daughters of Charity coordinating office sub city of Adihaki behind Adihaki eye clinic first floor in the prepared tender box from 12/ 12/2023 up to 15/12/2023

10 Bid clothing date is 15/12/2023at 8:00 local time

11 Late bids will be rejected and bids will be opened physically on 15/12/2023 at 8:30 local time preferably in the presence of the bidders or representative who choose to attend in the person at the address above

12 The Daughters of charity coordinating office representative the right to reject partially or fully cancel or reject any or all of the bids  

Tender Category