Save the Children

Save the children  is the world’s  leading independent  organization  for children . we  work in  120 countries . we save  children’s lives we fight for their rights. We help them fulfill their potential . we works together with our partners , to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate  and lasting change in their lives .
Save the children would like to invite  bids from eligible  bidders  the  construction & supply of the following materials 
1. Lot  I : Merry Go Round , Balance  double  sitter , swing  siding with ladder double sitter swing 
2.  Lot II:   Chairs for “O”  Class children and Tables for “O” Class Children

Hence , all international bidders are invited to participate in the bid and send their offer for the above  stated categories 
Bidder should attach the following documents with their offer and also shall agree to work under the conditions listed below:
 Renewed business license for the year 2006 E.C
Letter of recommendation from NGOs  or other humanitarian  organization  & Government 
Submit their company’s full profile
Bid bond amounting  2%.  Of the total bid amount in terms of CPO or Bank  Guarantee   valid at least for ninety  days  from the date of bid opening in the name of  “ Save the  Children  International “  (Cash or  Insurance bond will not be accepted)
To accept a 20 days credit payment conditions after the delivery of the materials.
The winner will deliver the required items mentioned on the bid document to Save the Children Mekelle Filled office using its own transport.
Bidders  can  collect  complete bid document ; including  Invitation  to tender ,  Condition of  Tendering , General terms and conditions  and Specification  against payment  of non – refundable Birr  100.00 (One hundred   ETB  Birr) for each  Lot from  either Save the Children  Country office  Addis Ababa  or  Mekelle  filed office from  November  3rd   -     November  24th  ,  2014  between   8:30 – 11:40 A.M  and  1:00 -  4:00 P.M  hours  from our offices  located  at the following Address 
Save  the  Children                                                                              Save  the  Children  
Ethiopia  Country  Office                                                   Mekelle Filed  Office 
Near  Bisrate Gebriel  Church,                              Tel:  0344410443/ 0344415607
P.O  Box   387                                                    Tigray   -  Tigray    Regional  state 
Tel  011 3 72  84  55-61                                        Mekelle
Addis  Ababa
Bids must be put in wax – sealed  envelope ,  clearly marked as  “Bid for Lot  I,  and  II   respectively”   with  ‘ ORGINAL’  and  ‘ COPY’  separately  and submitted  to  Save  the  Children  Mekelle Field office located in the addresses started above.
 Submission date for  LOT   I  &  II  will be before  November  24 th  , 2014  , 04:00 PM.
Bid will be opened for both LOT  I  &  II  the same date   November  25 th , 2014  at 10 AM at  Save  the  Children   Mekelle  filed  office  in the presence of bidders or bidder’s representatives who wish to attend 
SC  reserves the right  to accept  or  reject  the whole or part of any or  all bids