For Grade 8 and Above

Ethiopian Catholic Church -Social & Development Commission of Adigrat Branch Mekelle Sub Branch invites eligible bidders to construct three river crossing related to irrigation structure development at specific site called Temetsesa within Brezba Tabia. Kushet Tseberga. Samre Woreda, South East Zone of Tigray. At this site, SDCOAd, through its sub-branch office in Mekelle, has been running livelihood project supported by Irish Aid, through CST (IA-IeSP Project).

Interested eligible bidders are invited to collect bid documents in connection with the stated irrigation structure construction from SDOAd, Mekelle Sub-Branch Office as per the minimum criteria set for this purpose stated here under.

Minimum Qualification Requirements

Licensed contractors Grade 8 and above, with proven experience of Water Works Construction or General Building ContractorRenewed trade license for the fiscal year 2016 or 2017 EC, on Water Works Construction/WWC or General Building contractor tax clearance certificate VAT-declaration for the year of 2016 E.C, VAT registration certificate, Tin Certificate any relevant professional practice certificate and experience working on construction of irrigation infrastructure in hardship areas within similar projects.

• The bidder should secure a bid bond only through CPO of 2% of the total price including VAT. Pledging cash or other assets as a bid bond is not allowed.

• Bidders should submit their sealed bid documents one "original" technical and another one "original" financial documents in a separate envelopes and 1 (one) copy for each of technical and financial documents also must be provided in separate envelopes.

• A Bidder who submits or participates in more than one will cause all the proposals with the Bidder's participation to be disqualified.

• Interested and eligible bidders can purchase bid document/Term of Reference/ by paying not refundable 200.00 birr from ECC-SDCOAdB /Mekelle sub branch office from March 20/2025 till March, 26/2025 during working hours of ECC-SDCOAdB /Mekelle sub branch.

• Bids must submit on Wednesday, march, 26/2025 between 8:30Am to 10:00Am (Morning from 2:30-4:00 Am local time) only to prepared bid box in ECC-SDCOAdB /Mekelle sub branch office Hall. The bid will be officially closed on March, 26/2025 sharply at morning 10:01Am (4:01Am local time) on the same date.

• ECC-SDC Ad/Mekelle sub branch will open the bids on Wenseday, March, 26/2025 in venue of ECC-SDCOAdB /Mekelle sub branch office Hall in the presence of bidders or their legal representatives and bid committee at 10:30 Am (4:30Am local time).

The office reserves the right to reject partially and /or whole bid at any level of bid processing. 

Address: Near CRS main office, Tell-0344418770

Keble 05 -Mekelle