OBJECT: Call for tender for rehabilitation of WASH infrastructures in Health Facilities, for the NGO SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL in Ashea Woreda, Central Zone of Tigray.

Dear Madam, Sir,

Within the framework of its humanitarian programs, Solidarities International wishes to receive offers from interested companies with experience and legal entity, for the provision of works services.

Tender ref: CFT_CNT_WRK_TGR_WSH_001_25

Rehabilitation of WASH infrastructures in Health Facilities, for the NGO SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL in Tigray region.

If you are interested in applying to this Call for Tenders, please send an email to tender@solidarites-ethiopia.org and the following document will be sent to you to help you preparing your offer:

1. Instruction to tenderer’s

2. Documents to fill and submit:

3. All documents requested in article tender submission (the administrative section) to be submitted

4. All documents requested in article tender submission (the technical section) to be submitted

5. Financial offer

6. Supplier questionnaire form to be filled and submitted.

Withdraw of the CFT package:

Opening session:

  • The opening session will be on 24/03/2025 in Addis Ababa or Adwa SI offices.

Submission of the offers:

  • All tender quote and documents must be signed or stamped otherwise the quote may be excluded from the competition.
  • The offer should be in ETB and the offer should be valid for at least six (6 months) from the date of submission.

Deadline of submission: 21/03/2025 at 12:00 PM (Ethiopia time)

We look forward to receiving a quotation from your company.