mums for mums


All bidders must meet the minimum requirements below.

O Valid Tax Clearance

O Valid Business VAT (Value Added tax) Registration Certificate

O Valid Supplier Certificate

O Current month previous vat report

O Bidders are required to provide business profiles

        о Bidders must submit at-least five (5) names along with the emails and mobile оf previous/recent clients that have contracted the product

       о Bidders must have experience of furniture supply / installation furniture's.

       о Bid pages must be pre-numbered and initialed

        о Bids must be signed and stamped by authorized personnel о Bids must be submitted in English

       o Bid prices must be quoted in ETB and prices will remain valid for the three months the

       o signed agreement and will be revised for adjustments Bid submitted after the deadline will NOT be considered

       о Bidder should sub meet the furniture within 5 calendar days after signings the contract agreement

       о Bidder must prepared and sub meet CPO in the name of MUMS FOR MUMS Birr 150,000.00 (One hundred fifty thousand Birr) from any legal bank

       о Bidder can take the bid document bay paying birr 200.00 (Two hundred Birr) from January 22, 2024

       о Electronic bids are NOT allowed

       о Our organization have right to cancel the whole or partially of the bid if we get other alternative way to get the furniture

O Complete tender documents must be submitted in sealed envelopes on or before the deadline as indicated on the first (cover) page of the tender document  for Mums

II - DESCRIPTION OF required materials

o Bidders must have Service registered for supply of furniture's.

o Successful bidder(s) must be willing to provide materials for inspection when requested by Mums for Mums

о Service must be road worthy.

о All ordered materials must be equipped with essential safety goods:

о Successful bidders must be time honored with neat, clear and quality delivery,

o Bidders must submit a comprehensive furniture that meet the criteria.

Bidders must submit detailed price schedule for each Service 's. Bidders are also required schedule. The following table provides the detailed description and price schedule of the required.

Table of Price Schedule and Required Office Materials/Types

S/noDescriptionMeasurementQTYUnit PriceTotal PriceRemark
1Office Table 150*75NO20
2File CabinetNO20
4Guest Chair(Armless color black)NO40
5Waiting chair (3-seats) SetSet15